About us

GM&E Company was officially put into operation in 2012, with the two first engineers were Mr. Nguyen Duy Thanh Nhan & Trinh Vu Thien. Both of them initially worked and accumulated a professional working style for large-scale projects. GM&E Company has heavily invested in such qualified human resources as experts and creative young engineers to approach new technologies and modern trends, creating breakthrough ideas - initiatives for high-tech and smart mechanical - electrical measures.


Electrical refrigeration & water work, Fire protection from townhouse to large project.
Design refrigeration & water systems, Fire fighting system & other systems.
Monitoring the refrigeration & water systems, Fire Protection System & other Systems.
Maintenance of VRV Air Conditioner, Chiller, Steam Boiler, Apartment, Factory, Hotel.
Repairing the refrigeration & water systems, Industrial & Civil Ventilation systems.

About us

Our Services

MEP & FP InstallationMEP & FP Installation

Be a prestige unit in mechanical - electrical refrigeration field, GM&E Co. has experience in working categories.

  • Air conditioning and Ventilation systems  (ACMV).
  • Dynamic Electrical & Electrical Lightning systems.
  • Water supply and drainage system.
  • Fire Protection and fire alarm systems.

Along with experts and rich experience employees, high technical skills, and dedication to customers. GM&E Company will undertake to give necessary categories with the modern, latest system that suits the scale and structure of the per project but still ensure cost saving.

MEP MaintenanceMEP Maintenance
MEP RepairMEP Repair
MEP & FP ConsultantMEP & FP Consultant
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